

A new Comparative Database of Parties’ Press Releases

with Lukas F. Stoetzer and Heike Klüver (Research and Politics, 2023)

Article Github Dataverse Hugging Face

Description: This dataset consists of more than 250,000 published press releases from 67 parties in nine European countries. It provides a hand-labeled subset in 21 unique CAP issue categories. It can be used to dynamically measure parties’ issue salience.

Election Dataset Germany 1953-2021 and 1953-2017

County-level results made comparable over time using geodata and areal weighted interpolation

Github 2017 Github 2021

Description: This repository provides historic, comparable county-level election results for West Germany since 1953 in the borders of 2017 and 2021 counties. These can be easily merged with other historic data on the county level using offical county ID numbers (AGS, Allgemeiner Gemeindeschlüssel) that are also provided. The final dataset contains estimates for the vote share of all major parties for each election from 1953-2017/2021 (within the boundaries of the 2017/2021 counties) obtained from areal weighted interpolation.